It's 8 am and I all week I've been feeling pretty crummy. Lately, my hours are all out of whack. I barely get a decent nights sleep, maybe I'm an insomniac...but, whatever. I figure, the more I write the better I get. I feel like I have no passion. I broke my foot around august of 2011. I do not wan't to go back to Wally World, but I know I may end up back there anyways. I'm giving up on all the New Years Resolution crap. I want to make a change in my life, and if I want to, i will. The New Years Resolution is just a way to make me feel better about changing. We are who we are, at the core of us we don't change, not really. Regardless, we can change how we see the world. Experiences change us. So this upcoming year, in 2012 if there is one thing I am going to change about my self, it's experiencing things. I think I don't really travel or see people because I'm afraid. I can't live my life being afraid of these things, of change, of making a fool out of myself. I can't worry about saying the wrong thing, because ultimately life is far too short to be a scaredy-cat.
I'm going to post as often as I can, I don't post often enough and any of my loyal followers who actually read this little hole in the wall Blog aren't getting anything out of it. I post so scarcely that if I had any followers, they're gone now. So, in all actuality, maybe it's not just about change. Maybe it's also about finding out who I am. Not just talking about my passions, what I read, or write, or what music I listen to, and while all that is fine, there is more to life then superficial things. That just my simple interest's, there's more to me. So, even though I think New Years Resolutions are crap, and we shouldn't wait to the New Year to try and change, maybe I can start on my Finding Me Resolution early.
Maybe I need to do some soul searching. All I can say is when i go back to school, if i go back, I want to take a class on Shakespeare and maybe some writing classes. It'd be nice to say "I'm going to travel downtown for classes more", but it might just be a load of phooey. What I can do, is when I return to school, take a music class as an extra curricular. Do something new. I think that's what is ultimately lacking in my life lately, I am being a dull person. I'm not getting out there and living my 20's I'm staying holed up.
If anyone is out there reading this, I advise you to do the same as me. If you can swing it take a yoga class or a music class. Grab your GPS and do something new. Make a plan for a weekend to go to the lake and snap a few pictures, even if it's winter. Maybe go to the beach, sit by a camp fire and watch the waves. Do something for yourself, do it alone or grab a friend and promise them a cheap subway dinner. To be honest, I can't afford more then those 5 dollar foot longs myself and a tank of gas here and there.
So that's it then, I'll post some music for you guys to listen to and a book or two. So this is it, this is my most honest post to date. It's longer then some and maybe shorter then a few, but it's there and it's honest, and I didn't spew any crap. Again, my email is, twitter is @TheAuthoress89, and my youtube account is LiveLaughLove8489, and finally my more artistic videos on Vimeo is
Feel free to hit me up, as my questions, suggestions, etc.
Old Man and The Sea by Hemmingway.
I can't believe how many times I've read this book, it's absolutely my favorite. Must be atleast my 20th time reading it this year at the least. Good thing I have a NookColor, otherwise my paperback would be dust.
Classical music this post, time to expand our tastes a bit. Try something new. Some of my favorites are posted below, but almost anything by Bach I enjoy. Fog is Lifting however is my favorite and I have listened to it so many times it's the most played song on my iTunes.
Dare You To Move by Vitamin String Quartette, if you haven't listened to them yet, I suggest you do so now. They make the popular songs and use just four string instruments to create these amazing peices of music and art that really touches you. They make the songs mean more.
Clare De Lune By Debussy, yes all you Twi-hard fans, I'm adding Debussy, but to be honest it was on my computer before the movies came out and I never read the books until I saw the first movie.
Cello Suite No1 Prelude by Bach
Chairman's Waltz by John Williams
Fog Is Lifting by Orpheus Classical Ensembles
Allegro Festoso from Sonata per Flauto E Arpa by Orpheus Classical Ensembles
Bday- 02.23.89 I'm a writer a photorapher, a dreamer, an artist, a figure skater, a dancer, a poet, animal lover, save the earth kinda gal. I am all these things and more. Through my passion of writing I hope to share with all of you my thoughts, dreams, hopes, and the courage to do what we love. Basically, the world according to me!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Music Update and Books
OK GUYS! i know this is a rather late update, but i want to get this out of the way first. Anyone who wants to receive a email for when my blog is updated either send me you're email adress to, or pm me on youtube at LiveLaughLove8489. XD
On to the music!
Artist Reviews & News:
Ryan Star
100 Monkeys
Alexz Johnson....kinda not really.
100 Monkeys: Ugh, do not get me started on them. Terrible group. Jackson Rathbone's band is reminiscent of teenagers who bang on a bunch of instruments and call themselves a band. While i give Rathbone major props for putting himself out their, their lyrics are complete and total RUBISH! I know! See what they've done to me? I'm not even Brittish! I'm 100% American!
A user on youtube( who'll remain annonymous) wrote: Take away the funny video and the song is actually really deep. Ummm, yeah right. I can hardly hear them with all their jumping all over eachother, to sing a random thought that popped in their head, and that noise they call instrumental music, as if! It's total randomness. how is this a deep? Basically 100 monkeys in a nutshell: Any song is done in 1 take, ( which i totally respect) they make up the lyrics as they go along, they don't sit down and say: "this is what this song should be about, let's create a song" they don't coordinate, so in Ugly Girls, they have no idea who is going to sing what. They just randomly jump in. I'm not a fan of them right now, maybe later.
I get the one take thing, but rehearsal for the song is key, and creating a peice of work with patienc, as well as thinking ahead. I do it for my poetry, and I free write my novel then go back and re do parts. However, if you did like that garage-grunge- we think we're so cool and rock n roll- type band, the by all means respond back. I'll post your opinion up here on my blog! Lyrics have to- nay, should- be understood, have some meaning to it, vocals should be heard clearly, and instrumental shouldn't be louder then vocals. In this case, none of that is heard with 100 monkeys.
I'll give you guys a chance to check them out and see for yourself if you like them or not.
Alexz Johnson VooDoo: This album has been long awaited. She sounds good, and thank the lord she did not use that Mailman song that was leaked to youtube. Some of her stuff was not that great. However, it seems with persistance and perseverance that she was able to write many great songs that fit her personality. Alexz Johnson from Instant Star, wrote all of her songs on it and recently has a rebooted version out. Also, check out her youtube page at:
Her new song Skipping Stones is a soulful song about love and pretending to move on. The moment she started singing I swear I could feel my heart skip a beat, (all you Alexz pun intended). It has a bluesy sort of rhythm with a slow indie/soft rock feel to it. She even covered her own song Skin from Instant Star Season 1x09 the episode after Unsweet Sixteen.
The lyrics are really pulling at my heart strings. When Alexz sings, it may not be the best voice out there, she's no Marissa Von Bleicken. Most certainly not Adele, but she has this presence about her and her music that just gives you this really organic sound and feel to it. I certainly am unable to stop listening to her song... it's free for download at her website or on here.

A lot of the music on the album has a very retro feel, a bit of Johnny Cash and a bit of 40's inspired music.
Ryan Star- Breath
Phenomanal vocals, I happen to prefer his live acoustic to his studio version. The music itself is good, the lyrics are wonderful, his whole overall sound is really good. He has this scratchy sound to his live acoustic version that makes you want to melt. You can feel his emotions through this song, and it feels like Art and emotions rolled in to one. It's a unique song about not letting the world get to you, all the stress and pain in your life can be manageable if you just....breath.
Marie Digby: Oh my gosh, I discovered her youtube page a while back and I am seriously hooked on her. Go check her out. Her music has a different sound to it, nothing like you hear on the radio. If you are sick of everything on the radio, like I am, then she is breath of fresh air. Like being stuffed up in the house for weeks, and you finally step out side into the fresh, crisp, early winter/ late fall air. It feels great, and my ears are pretty happy too!
Songs to listen to:
Pappa Roach: Last Resort
Pappa Roach: Scars
Linkin Park: Bleed it Out
Linkin Park: Leave Out All The Rest
Paramore; Crush Crush Crush
Paramore: We Are Broken
Paramore: The Only Exception
Taylor Swift: Mine
Feist: 123
Alexz Johnson: Hurrican Girl
Jasper Forks( Coinky Dink?*shrugs*): River Flows In You
Yurima (The Original Version): River Flows In You
Shaina Twait: Up!
Ryan Star: Breath
Books To Read:
Pearl of China by: Anchee Min
Evermore by Alyson Noel
Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
Shadowland by Alyson Noel
Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
My Sister's Keeper by Jodie Pocoult
Keeping the Faith by Jodie Picoult
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen by Serena Valentino
On to the music!
Artist Reviews & News:
Ryan Star
100 Monkeys
Alexz Johnson....kinda not really.
100 Monkeys: Ugh, do not get me started on them. Terrible group. Jackson Rathbone's band is reminiscent of teenagers who bang on a bunch of instruments and call themselves a band. While i give Rathbone major props for putting himself out their, their lyrics are complete and total RUBISH! I know! See what they've done to me? I'm not even Brittish! I'm 100% American!
A user on youtube( who'll remain annonymous) wrote: Take away the funny video and the song is actually really deep. Ummm, yeah right. I can hardly hear them with all their jumping all over eachother, to sing a random thought that popped in their head, and that noise they call instrumental music, as if! It's total randomness. how is this a deep? Basically 100 monkeys in a nutshell: Any song is done in 1 take, ( which i totally respect) they make up the lyrics as they go along, they don't sit down and say: "this is what this song should be about, let's create a song" they don't coordinate, so in Ugly Girls, they have no idea who is going to sing what. They just randomly jump in. I'm not a fan of them right now, maybe later.
I get the one take thing, but rehearsal for the song is key, and creating a peice of work with patienc, as well as thinking ahead. I do it for my poetry, and I free write my novel then go back and re do parts. However, if you did like that garage-grunge- we think we're so cool and rock n roll- type band, the by all means respond back. I'll post your opinion up here on my blog! Lyrics have to- nay, should- be understood, have some meaning to it, vocals should be heard clearly, and instrumental shouldn't be louder then vocals. In this case, none of that is heard with 100 monkeys.
I'll give you guys a chance to check them out and see for yourself if you like them or not.
Alexz Johnson VooDoo: This album has been long awaited. She sounds good, and thank the lord she did not use that Mailman song that was leaked to youtube. Some of her stuff was not that great. However, it seems with persistance and perseverance that she was able to write many great songs that fit her personality. Alexz Johnson from Instant Star, wrote all of her songs on it and recently has a rebooted version out. Also, check out her youtube page at:
Her new song Skipping Stones is a soulful song about love and pretending to move on. The moment she started singing I swear I could feel my heart skip a beat, (all you Alexz pun intended). It has a bluesy sort of rhythm with a slow indie/soft rock feel to it. She even covered her own song Skin from Instant Star Season 1x09 the episode after Unsweet Sixteen.
The lyrics are really pulling at my heart strings. When Alexz sings, it may not be the best voice out there, she's no Marissa Von Bleicken. Most certainly not Adele, but she has this presence about her and her music that just gives you this really organic sound and feel to it. I certainly am unable to stop listening to her song... it's free for download at her website or on here.

A lot of the music on the album has a very retro feel, a bit of Johnny Cash and a bit of 40's inspired music.
Ryan Star- Breath
Phenomanal vocals, I happen to prefer his live acoustic to his studio version. The music itself is good, the lyrics are wonderful, his whole overall sound is really good. He has this scratchy sound to his live acoustic version that makes you want to melt. You can feel his emotions through this song, and it feels like Art and emotions rolled in to one. It's a unique song about not letting the world get to you, all the stress and pain in your life can be manageable if you just....breath.
Marie Digby: Oh my gosh, I discovered her youtube page a while back and I am seriously hooked on her. Go check her out. Her music has a different sound to it, nothing like you hear on the radio. If you are sick of everything on the radio, like I am, then she is breath of fresh air. Like being stuffed up in the house for weeks, and you finally step out side into the fresh, crisp, early winter/ late fall air. It feels great, and my ears are pretty happy too!
Songs to listen to:
Pappa Roach: Last Resort
Pappa Roach: Scars
Linkin Park: Bleed it Out
Linkin Park: Leave Out All The Rest
Paramore; Crush Crush Crush
Paramore: We Are Broken
Paramore: The Only Exception
Taylor Swift: Mine
Feist: 123
Alexz Johnson: Hurrican Girl
Jasper Forks( Coinky Dink?*shrugs*): River Flows In You
Yurima (The Original Version): River Flows In You
Shaina Twait: Up!
Ryan Star: Breath
Books To Read:
Pearl of China by: Anchee Min
Evermore by Alyson Noel
Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
Shadowland by Alyson Noel
Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
My Sister's Keeper by Jodie Pocoult
Keeping the Faith by Jodie Picoult
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen by Serena Valentino
Monday, May 23, 2011
Being Gay and The Bible-My Opinion Whether You Want it Or Not
Me on Human Rights
Warning Will Robinson! Warning!: If you are easily offended about being Gay or a Christian or hearing about religion or same sex love or this is illegal where you are to read about same sex or religion then turn back now! You were warned.
Disclaimer: I am not gay, this is just basic Human Rights and and about my personal opinion of why God loves everyone and does not send us to hell for being Gay. There is so much worse that could happen and if we find love who are we to deny it whether it comes in girl form or boy form. XD Also I am christian, but I don't like it when others push their religion on someone, 1. it makes them feel uncomfortable 2. they think your a nut ball and 3. They feel uncomfortable around you. You can lead a horse to water people but you can not make it drink.
"So, let me get this straight...Charlie Sheen can make a "porn family", Larry King can be on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with pretty much EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Re-post if you support equal rights."
Is it really enough to post? To say we agree? this shit happens everyday, but those were all hetero sexual marriages, porn or otherwise. We as a people, don't do change well. When we change it takes forever and it's often not pretty. Look what happened when we 'divorced' England? What happened when school's change their dress codes? What happened when we abolished slavery? What happened when Rosa Parks had to do her thing for a damn seat on the bus? Which i totally think she's the coolest, one of many most inspiring modern women... What happened when we integrated schools? With Animal testing? Vivisection?
If we change, it needs to be a personal change, for us, for the future, and we teach our kids that. So maybe today, Gay people may not be able to marry or really have a relationship, but look how much changed in the past 100 years? No one dared 'come out of the closet' back then. 30 years ago, people did therpay, considered it a disease, a mental disorder. We fight for what we belive in, we will talk to our children and they will grow up believeing in Love period, gay or straight. Then they will be the ones to really make changed happen, it takes time. So long as we teach our future generations human rights, then, someday who knows, maybe it will be as excepted as a straight couple.
Me on God, Religion, The Bible, and being gay
I believe in God and that amazing person but I feel that the bible which was written THOUSANDS of years ago IN A DIFFERENT TIME!!!! is more of aguide book. Like what our parents do, we can chose to listen to them and let them guide us on the right path in our lives. Thats what the bible is.
The translation has changed, so unless you can read Latin and have the original bible then I'm sorry, but I believe a God who loves us all no matter what, would be fine with same sex couples. Sure it may be a bit awkward for some, but get over it. In Gods eyes we are all brothers and sisters so does that make getting married and having sex with a man incest?
No. We are human and we feel these wonderful human emotions and we feel love for people. Some more than others. I think God is all for a wonderful loveing monogamous relationship be it straight or gay. God loves us period. We commit sins everyday. I also do not find it fair for others to force their opinions about this. I feel it is unfair that there is such hatred over such a trivial thing.
I think Christians and Mormans and any christian based religion and religion period, really, needs to stop forcing their beliefs on others every chance they get.
Growing up my mom has taught me many things, one being that Sex is connectionless, making love and sharing your bodies with a tenderness and a passionate ove is different. Making love is beautiful, sex is a quick roll around in the hay. Making Love and Having sex are what Straight people do too.
Free Music Download of The Post:
This song is free from their website. Amazing ladies with very lovely voices. This one is by Meg Frampton of Meg And Dia one of my favorite bands.
Meg Frampton: Weeding Through The Rubble
Warning Will Robinson! Warning!: If you are easily offended about being Gay or a Christian or hearing about religion or same sex love or this is illegal where you are to read about same sex or religion then turn back now! You were warned.
Disclaimer: I am not gay, this is just basic Human Rights and and about my personal opinion of why God loves everyone and does not send us to hell for being Gay. There is so much worse that could happen and if we find love who are we to deny it whether it comes in girl form or boy form. XD Also I am christian, but I don't like it when others push their religion on someone, 1. it makes them feel uncomfortable 2. they think your a nut ball and 3. They feel uncomfortable around you. You can lead a horse to water people but you can not make it drink.
"So, let me get this straight...Charlie Sheen can make a "porn family", Larry King can be on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with pretty much EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Re-post if you support equal rights."
Is it really enough to post? To say we agree? this shit happens everyday, but those were all hetero sexual marriages, porn or otherwise. We as a people, don't do change well. When we change it takes forever and it's often not pretty. Look what happened when we 'divorced' England? What happened when school's change their dress codes? What happened when we abolished slavery? What happened when Rosa Parks had to do her thing for a damn seat on the bus? Which i totally think she's the coolest, one of many most inspiring modern women... What happened when we integrated schools? With Animal testing? Vivisection?
If we change, it needs to be a personal change, for us, for the future, and we teach our kids that. So maybe today, Gay people may not be able to marry or really have a relationship, but look how much changed in the past 100 years? No one dared 'come out of the closet' back then. 30 years ago, people did therpay, considered it a disease, a mental disorder. We fight for what we belive in, we will talk to our children and they will grow up believeing in Love period, gay or straight. Then they will be the ones to really make changed happen, it takes time. So long as we teach our future generations human rights, then, someday who knows, maybe it will be as excepted as a straight couple.
Me on God, Religion, The Bible, and being gay
I believe in God and that amazing person but I feel that the bible which was written THOUSANDS of years ago IN A DIFFERENT TIME!!!! is more of aguide book. Like what our parents do, we can chose to listen to them and let them guide us on the right path in our lives. Thats what the bible is.
The translation has changed, so unless you can read Latin and have the original bible then I'm sorry, but I believe a God who loves us all no matter what, would be fine with same sex couples. Sure it may be a bit awkward for some, but get over it. In Gods eyes we are all brothers and sisters so does that make getting married and having sex with a man incest?
No. We are human and we feel these wonderful human emotions and we feel love for people. Some more than others. I think God is all for a wonderful loveing monogamous relationship be it straight or gay. God loves us period. We commit sins everyday. I also do not find it fair for others to force their opinions about this. I feel it is unfair that there is such hatred over such a trivial thing.
I think Christians and Mormans and any christian based religion and religion period, really, needs to stop forcing their beliefs on others every chance they get.
Growing up my mom has taught me many things, one being that Sex is connectionless, making love and sharing your bodies with a tenderness and a passionate ove is different. Making love is beautiful, sex is a quick roll around in the hay. Making Love and Having sex are what Straight people do too.
Free Music Download of The Post:
This song is free from their website. Amazing ladies with very lovely voices. This one is by Meg Frampton of Meg And Dia one of my favorite bands.
Meg Frampton: Weeding Through The Rubble
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