On to the music!
Artist Reviews & News:
Ryan Star
100 Monkeys
Alexz Johnson....kinda not really.
100 Monkeys: Ugh, do not get me started on them. Terrible group. Jackson Rathbone's band is reminiscent of teenagers who bang on a bunch of instruments and call themselves a band. While i give Rathbone major props for putting himself out their, their lyrics are complete and total RUBISH! I know! See what they've done to me? I'm not even Brittish! I'm 100% American!
A user on youtube( who'll remain annonymous) wrote: Take away the funny video and the song is actually really deep. Ummm, yeah right. I can hardly hear them with all their jumping all over eachother, to sing a random thought that popped in their head, and that noise they call instrumental music, as if! It's total randomness. how is this a deep? Basically 100 monkeys in a nutshell: Any song is done in 1 take, ( which i totally respect) they make up the lyrics as they go along, they don't sit down and say: "this is what this song should be about, let's create a song" they don't coordinate, so in Ugly Girls, they have no idea who is going to sing what. They just randomly jump in. I'm not a fan of them right now, maybe later.
I get the one take thing, but rehearsal for the song is key, and creating a peice of work with patienc, as well as thinking ahead. I do it for my poetry, and I free write my novel then go back and re do parts. However, if you did like that garage-grunge- we think we're so cool and rock n roll- type band, the by all means respond back. I'll post your opinion up here on my blog! Lyrics have to- nay, should- be understood, have some meaning to it, vocals should be heard clearly, and instrumental shouldn't be louder then vocals. In this case, none of that is heard with 100 monkeys.
I'll give you guys a chance to check them out and see for yourself if you like them or not.
Alexz Johnson VooDoo: This album has been long awaited. She sounds good, and thank the lord she did not use that Mailman song that was leaked to youtube. Some of her stuff was not that great. However, it seems with persistance and perseverance that she was able to write many great songs that fit her personality. Alexz Johnson from Instant Star, wrote all of her songs on it and recently has a rebooted version out. Also, check out her youtube page at:http://www.youtube.com/user/ItsAlexzJohnson
Her new song Skipping Stones is a soulful song about love and pretending to move on. The moment she started singing I swear I could feel my heart skip a beat, (all you Alexz fans...no pun intended). It has a bluesy sort of rhythm with a slow indie/soft rock feel to it. She even covered her own song Skin from Instant Star Season 1x09 the episode after Unsweet Sixteen.
The lyrics are really pulling at my heart strings. When Alexz sings, it may not be the best voice out there, she's no Marissa Von Bleicken. Most certainly not Adele, but she has this presence about her and her music that just gives you this really organic sound and feel to it. I certainly am unable to stop listening to her song... it's free for download at her website or on here.

A lot of the music on the album has a very retro feel, a bit of Johnny Cash and a bit of 40's inspired music.
Ryan Star- Breath
Phenomanal vocals, I happen to prefer his live acoustic to his studio version. The music itself is good, the lyrics are wonderful, his whole overall sound is really good. He has this scratchy sound to his live acoustic version that makes you want to melt. You can feel his emotions through this song, and it feels like Art and emotions rolled in to one. It's a unique song about not letting the world get to you, all the stress and pain in your life can be manageable if you just....breath.
Marie Digby: Oh my gosh, I discovered her youtube page a while back and I am seriously hooked on her. Go check her out. Her music has a different sound to it, nothing like you hear on the radio. If you are sick of everything on the radio, like I am, then she is breath of fresh air. Like being stuffed up in the house for weeks, and you finally step out side into the fresh, crisp, early winter/ late fall air. It feels great, and my ears are pretty happy too!
Songs to listen to:
Pappa Roach: Last Resort
Pappa Roach: Scars
Linkin Park: Bleed it Out
Linkin Park: Leave Out All The Rest
Paramore; Crush Crush Crush
Paramore: We Are Broken
Paramore: The Only Exception
Taylor Swift: Mine
Feist: 123
Alexz Johnson: Hurrican Girl
Jasper Forks( Coinky Dink?*shrugs*): River Flows In You
Yurima (The Original Version): River Flows In You
Shaina Twait: Up!
Ryan Star: Breath
Books To Read:
Pearl of China by: Anchee Min
Evermore by Alyson Noel
Blue Moon by Alyson Noel
Shadowland by Alyson Noel
Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
My Sister's Keeper by Jodie Pocoult
Keeping the Faith by Jodie Picoult
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
Fairest of All: A Tale of the Wicked Queen by Serena Valentino
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