Fantastic nes for Doggy lovers, I just received the latest Arf newsletter for summer of 2009.
Also ARF Saved my baby's life. Buffy Marie Sharpe.....we named her after my mothers favorite show at the time Buffy the Vampire slayer, also coinicdently she just happens to be a buff cocker spaniel. Poor thing was shaking when we first got her, she likes ot be held but not when you're standing.
This is truly a touchign story, apparently 204 dogs were saved from a puppy mill in Missouri. most of these dogs according to plenty of breeders wuld jave been deemed usless and killed are finally safe after being delivered to art and other Shelters in the New york Are. Most of these poor little guys have been used for churning out litter after litter of puppies until they were unable to breed.
According to the Director of Operations Michele Forrester: "the dogs were filthy and matted" and "many required immediate medical care. One miniature Dachshuns toenails were so long they curled under her paws, making it impossible for her to stand up properly".
Thanks to Arfs Human partners, Best Friends Animal Society animal National Mill Dog Rescue NMDR had organized the release and transport of the dogs to New York. This effor will make a life changing differance in some of these 200 dogs and the people lucky enough to adopt them, but it is in puppy mills today and we ask people to never forget the victims left behind" says Theresa Strader of NMDR.
Thanks to ARF my family and i were able to adopt our little blonde cocker spaniel. We only get out dogs from the pound or rescue situations, we do also consider shelters where we are able to understand and figure out the temperment of the dogs. It's great for a first dog to go to a pet shelt like SPCA....
Heres a picture of my "blonde Bombshell"
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