Thursday, May 7, 2009



Twilight Score pic

Ok, so i have been going crazy with the above link. I guess i googled it like 50 times trying to find the right link.
I couldnt understand how to link my download to that frickin photo. I played a wild goose chase.
Anyways, so i finally went to this website ,"click Here", and i said to "click URL and put the link next to the = sign and put the image in between the ][ sign"  so i did that. And wouldnt you know it, it did not work. Ha! bet you guys were hoping for me to have figured it out nahh, wasnt that simple, see god only knows how many yahoo and googling i did to find millions of sights that said the same thing, it never clicked you know.So anyways back to the story at hand, so i found that stupid naratuo or something like that board and it told me how to do it. Only it didnt work that easy, so i went to (fantabulous website btw) and clicked the html code and coppied and pasted into my blog then i proceeded to take out the photobucket url and put in my rapid share. And that worked. So for all you bloggers out their who want to link a photo and website is possible. So easy directions..

step one: upload picture to
Step 2: Click on the html code, easy ppl terms for u and me.....the thingy with the <> ilooks like this.......
except the / is > and \ is <
ok, so it's not a perfect replica but similar, you'll get the picture. So.. you copy and paste it into your blog.
Step three: replace the http://www.blah blah thingy with the website you want to link to.
Step four: (final step) you click preview in your blog and hopefully it's there and i have not steered you wrong.

perfect example w/o spaces
so link 1 is the rapidshare one, easy to see. That is my download link. You can replace it with yours.

and second link is the one that says something something something.

so if my originial instructions were hard to understand directions number two should be a bit simpler....i hope.

Good luck and god speed my peeps.

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