Hello Bloggers. I just came home from my dance recital. So much fun. Load of sparkles make up costumes that are very form fitting. Im sure you get it. Anyways, i am in terrible mood. My uncle says he can't go...why not?....cuz he's busy. right, like a 61 yr old man is too busy to go to his neices last recital. Screw him, my father boy he gets in a fight with my mother, then take a fucking xanax and wat happens? he can't wake up, he's fine. So he gets up dressed and goes to the school where i am performing. He looks for a parking spot, and when he can't find one close enough, he goes back home. Says "i can't walk it"
well he should get a fucking walker or cane if he can't walk like what 10 feet? Anyways, i was a spider. Creepy. I'll see if i can find a picture. So it was this red leotard and black netting kinda shit that was a tanktop went over the red leo and a pair of shredded black pants. With black fingerless elbow gloves. It would've been good looking if i had a celebrities body, which i don't.
Anyways dance recital was more like on may 30, 2009. It was fucking great. Anyways made up with dad and went out on a 3:30 am run to wally world for mint ice cream. Dad's idea. I now know where i got my puppy dog look face from. Anyways, i have been watching some hilarious parodies. So far my fav twilight parody is Twilight the puppet saga. Originially the song was by paramore decode. But b/c of you fucking tube, the song was taken down and evanesence was put up. Do not watch over and over it will stop being funny, like a song you get sick of listenign to the same shit over and over no matter how much you like it.
Back to parodies, my top 4 twilight in no particular order. Just favs.
twilight puppet saga
Twilight Parody Trailer aka - who closed that!
Hillywood Twilight Parody. Fucking Hill-larious hilly and hannah hindi!
Movies in Minutes
Bday- 02.23.89 I'm a writer a photorapher, a dreamer, an artist, a figure skater, a dancer, a poet, animal lover, save the earth kinda gal. I am all these things and more. Through my passion of writing I hope to share with all of you my thoughts, dreams, hopes, and the courage to do what we love. Basically, the world according to me!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Schools Out!

and Mr. Epps first history teacher for high school in Virginia, wonderful man. He really made it enjoyable. He took time out to help me. Fantastic Man. All in all, deep run was a fantastic school. At least for me. I used to go see the school plays. Which were fantastic. -sigh- school was great.
Anyways, back to college. Bombed, math, english( i think), and education for the arts in elementary school. Or something like that. Don't ask me, the teacher was a total bum and forgot about the class. I should've done something like call his home number but i felt it was rude. Anyways, i am gonna take 2 classes over the summer to make up and total of 5 for the next semester. Though, i am a writer an author, i don't need college. It's just a fantastic opportunity in my life and an experience that may or may not help me evolve as a person. But anyways i still get time off from school if i go this summer. I can't afford classes on my own. Maybe one, so i may end up taking one and 3 next summer. or 6 in school. Technically, as long as i take 5 classes for two semesters i can make up for half the classes bombed in last semester. Or 6 and i make up the whole semester in 1 year. A lot of hard work. I think i can do it though.
Ok, so schools out for the summer. Who isn't excited. Dance class more then once a week, swimming, time to excercise train for athletics. Extra time on the ice, ugh i'm getting all tingly just thinking about extra ice time.
No school, means no teachers no homework assignments. So if you need to tone up on certain subjects perfect time. You could go to the park, vacation, take up a sport, enjoy the sun, go to a baseball game. Hell, you could even spy on your older sister or brothers. Not that it would do much good for your rep. Listen to music, discover new artists, maybe take up an instrument.
Soo....there is some great music and some great poetry out their for the summer. Some songs include but are not limited to...qucik btw: you will find the folder at the bottom of this post in a purple thingy. It has all the songs. You should be able to download from their.
1. Alice Cooper- Schools out
2. Olivia Newton John and John Travolta- Summer Luvin
3. I get around- Beach Boys
4. Summer in The City- Lovin Spoonful
5. California Girls- Beach Boys
6. Heat Wave- Martha and the Vandellas
7. Dancing in The Street- Martha and the Vandellas'
8. Borderline- Madonna
9. Hot Legs- Rod Stewert , a truly addicting song from way back when. Not that long ago.
and Can't forget robert pattinson, though this song did not come out in the summer. And does nto depict the summer, who hasnt felt this way. Or have had someone you've felt like this for.
coming in at number 10 is robert pattinson: I'l be your lover.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Video Blog
so, since i have this blog here i was thinking of having a video blog or a video show. I just need help, i have a general idea for what i want to do but i just need help like topics and lighting or etc. So if anyone want's to jump on the band wagon and help out i can even kinda do one with another person as long as they are pre recored. I can add that to mine and it'll be kinda cool. Sooo...your probally thinking...dork...yeah yeah i can be one but i just really wanna do one. Put a face to my name or in this case picture heh.
Ok download for the day:
Friday, May 8, 2009
The Secret life of Bees with dakota fanning.
or you can go to this website and find another site that hosts this movie. If you are not a premium user for megaupload they will not allow you to watch more then 72 minutes of a movie.
or you can go to this website and find another site that hosts this movie. If you are not a premium user for megaupload they will not allow you to watch more then 72 minutes of a movie.
Also, i really like prima j. You can google them listen to them on youtube, and if you want buy their c.d.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Ok, so i have been going crazy with the above link. I guess i googled it like 50 times trying to find the right link.
I couldnt understand how to link my download to that frickin photo. I played a wild goose chase.
Anyways, so i finally went to this website ,"click Here", and i said to "click URL and put the link next to the = sign and put the image in between the ][ sign" so i did that. And wouldnt you know it, it did not work. Ha! bet you guys were hoping for me to have figured it out nahh, wasnt that simple, see god only knows how many yahoo and googling i did to find millions of sights that said the same thing, it never clicked you know.So anyways back to the story at hand, so i found that stupid naratuo or something like that board and it told me how to do it. Only it didnt work that easy, so i went to photobucket.com (fantabulous website btw) and clicked the html code and coppied and pasted into my blog then i proceeded to take out the photobucket url and put in my rapid share. And that worked. So for all you bloggers out their who want to link a photo and website 2gether..it is possible. So easy directions..
step one: upload picture to www.photobucket.com
Step 2: Click on the html code, easy ppl terms for u and me.....the thingy with the <> ilooks like this.......
except the / is > and \ is <
ok, so it's not a perfect replica but similar, you'll get the picture. So.. you copy and paste it into your blog.
Step three: replace the http://www.blah blah blah.com thingy with the website you want to link to.
Step four: (final step) you click preview in your blog and hopefully it's there and i have not steered you wrong.
perfect example w/o spaces
so link 1 is the rapidshare one, easy to see. That is my download link. You can replace it with yours.
and second link is the one that says photobucket.com/ something something something.
so if my originial instructions were hard to understand directions number two should be a bit simpler....i hope.
Good luck and god speed my peeps.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Update on Energy Drink
k so i have tried monster
Tastes ok...more like lime soda. their is a flavor i can't put my finger on.But it wasn't bad. I drank 200 calories worth a whole 16 oz can and it did nothing to me. I guess i gotta keep looking
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Avoid Going Home
Ok, so i am avoiding home right now. It's not that i hate it, but i loathe cleaning the kitchen when my sister cooks. My mom, she doesnt over use dishes. I swear it was like it was thanksgiving or something. She put the veggies in a hand wash only bowl, she boiled & grilled chicken.
Boiled it in a pot that i have to hand-wash. She just kept using dishes and dished. Atleast when i cook i mak sure i use as little as possible So i'm kinda avoiding home for now. I'm putting off doing the dishes. Although, the sooner i get that done...no wait. Dad's fucking back hurts so we don't set up the wii. We get this awesome wii right? right? and we still havent set it up. So i volunteerd, problem is my dad won't allow me to do it. Says i'll mess up his t.v. if he lost weight he'd have less pressure on his back.
But does anyone listen to me...noooo!
It's like his t.v. is more important then anything. Its nice, i suppose about 63 inches, it's taller then me and 'm wait *pulls out paper and pen and does math on paper* carry the 5*2 is ten carry the 1 so 5 *1 is 5 plus 1 is 6 sooo...uhm...60.I'm 60 inches and the stupid t.v. is 3 inches taller then me.
Even the t.v. is taller then me. What the frick is up with that?
New Obsessions.
Jeff Dunham and Peanut.
Also Jeff Dunham And Achmed the dead terrorist, and Jose Jalepeno on a steeeeek.(you wont get that part unless u watch.)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Soda Vs. Energy Drinks
Ok, so i have been trying energy drinks, ginseng all natural pills, monster, red bull, rock star, you name it. So far energy drinks don't do it for me. It's weird Energy Drinks are supposed to have more Caffein in it then Soda. Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, Pepsi. As long as it is diet but still has caffein and i'm awake...kinda.
Lets face it. the bottles say that their is a certain amount of caffein in Energy Drinks but is their really that much in their?
Red bull tastes like crap, doesnt work for me
Monster, Stil have yet to try it
Rock Star: purple one and orange ones are my favorite. They work, kind of.
Vault Energy Soda: -scoffs- yeah right. Does not work
5 hr energry shot: took 2 no effect. It's true, no crashing because it didn't effect me at all.
Vao Energy Mints: Citrus Flavor is good, but the only thing that kept me going was sucking on the mint. Kept my mouth busy...so i was able to shut up and focus..somewhat.
Ginseng All natural something energy Pills: did not work. Never get caffein pills at a 7-eleven.
So basically, what i am trying to say is, i have tried many but none work. Rockstar helped.
So here is a list of drinks and how much caffein. Mt. Dew containts in 20 oz 110 mg of caffein. Rock star contains like 200 or 300. Figure that one out. While caffein in soda effects me caffein in energy drinks don't. I knew it. I am a freak of nature!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
V-L (Virtual Lesbian) * "Sexting"
So, I'm at home enjoying a movie...True Lies with arnold swatzenager and Jamie Lee Curtis....so here i am minding my own business and I'm talking about Mikes hard lemonade...story for a later time....and Dad goes ahead and says "Jessie, are you sexting?" i almost lost it!
my eyes bugged out, as i did a very bad impression of a cartoon charecter. "No! Gosh, man, Dad! Why would you think that?"
"he's been reading the readers digest." my sister said. I looked to my right and rolled my eyes, just like the teenager i'm not. "Michelle, are you sexting?" My sister scoffed and stated, rather loudly, "Who would i be sexting with?" i laughed and said "who would i be sexting? Brittany? that would make me a lesbian! or better yet a virtual lesbian, a v-lesb, v-l" i laughed hysterically with tears in my eyes. So that is how i came up with virtual lesbian, v.l. the new text abbreviation.
Britt if your reading this...forgive me. I'm weird. The whole family's weird. ITs that mad cow that's going around.
Also...Mikes Hard Lemonade is now making lip balm. So if Mikes Hard Lemonade is lip balm does that mean that it has alchol in the lip bam. And To buy that lip balm you have to be 21 or older? So if they came out with a whole make up line...you'd have to be 21 or older to purchase that make up.
Ok, work....what to say about that. Eh...It's not the best job..uhm...OH Yeah!
My Manager er...let's call him G-man. So i'm about done with my shift right..right? and so g comes up to me and he's all nice. So he goes. "sweet heart," he pauses and at this point i know he wants me stay later. So.."i know your tired and you've been here since nine a.m...." it's 5:30 p.m. right now. 'but do you think you could stay until the line dies down, then we'll find someone to cover for you." so of course me being the idiot i am, i said "uh, i guess." I always do this. This happened at my last job.
My feet are sore, i'm running on 3 1/1 hours sleep and they ask me to stay later. Geez! What's wrong with me. I never say no to a manager. Then, the moment i do...they start begging. I know i should probally be all "fuck this" but i couldnt help it. I said "sure" sue me. SUE ME I TELL YA!
i should really learn to say no. But atleast i didn't stay until 9 pm. I swear i feel full time with hours like these. But those 4 hundred dollar pay checks are really nice. So....I suck it up.
Bonnie Rait:
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Ok, so I know Twilight Has Been Out for like -rolls eyes- ever. But how if you don't have the song yet....here it is. Decode By Paramore
Robert Pattinson:
Family...You Don't Get to Choose 'Em
Unfortunately, I'm sure all of us by now know that we don't get to choose our family. The question is though, if we could, after living with and getting to, yes love them...would we go back and actually choose one that we want?
It's a hard question. Obviously their are traits of certain people in my life, that i wish i could change. The traits, not the people. Though, if i change certain traits, that would change the person. Their are times that i wish i could, but after some serious fuming with anger, i realize they are family. You love them, and that's what makes your family so strong. The fact that you love them, faults and all.
I'm sure with all the horrible people out their, not all family's are as loving as mine is. No matter how infuriating or confusing or just plain annoying mine is, i can honestly say we are their for each other.
Not all family's have that. In fact, some don't have mom's. I don't know what i'd do without mine.
So, people that probably wish they had different parents:
Drug Addicts Children
Murderers children or siblings
Alcoholics Children
Rapists Children
The list could go on. The point is, their are some people who do wish to change their family if they could.
I think for a lot of people it's that they want circumstances changed not their actual family.
What about you? do you ever wish you could change your family?
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