Me on Human Rights
Warning Will Robinson! Warning!: If you are easily offended about being Gay or a Christian or hearing about religion or same sex love or this is illegal where you are to read about same sex or religion then turn back now! You were warned.
Disclaimer: I am not gay, this is just basic Human Rights and and about my personal opinion of why God loves everyone and does not send us to hell for being Gay. There is so much worse that could happen and if we find love who are we to deny it whether it comes in girl form or boy form. XD Also I am christian, but I don't like it when others push their religion on someone, 1. it makes them feel uncomfortable 2. they think your a nut ball and 3. They feel uncomfortable around you. You can lead a horse to water people but you can not make it drink.
"So, let me get this straight...Charlie Sheen can make a "porn family", Larry King can be on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with pretty much EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Re-post if you support equal rights."
Is it really enough to post? To say we agree? this shit happens everyday, but those were all hetero sexual marriages, porn or otherwise. We as a people, don't do change well. When we change it takes forever and it's often not pretty. Look what happened when we 'divorced' England? What happened when school's change their dress codes? What happened when we abolished slavery? What happened when Rosa Parks had to do her thing for a damn seat on the bus? Which i totally think she's the coolest, one of many most inspiring modern women... What happened when we integrated schools? With Animal testing? Vivisection?
If we change, it needs to be a personal change, for us, for the future, and we teach our kids that. So maybe today, Gay people may not be able to marry or really have a relationship, but look how much changed in the past 100 years? No one dared 'come out of the closet' back then. 30 years ago, people did therpay, considered it a disease, a mental disorder. We fight for what we belive in, we will talk to our children and they will grow up believeing in Love period, gay or straight. Then they will be the ones to really make changed happen, it takes time. So long as we teach our future generations human rights, then, someday who knows, maybe it will be as excepted as a straight couple.
Me on God, Religion, The Bible, and being gay
I believe in God and that amazing person but I feel that the bible which was written THOUSANDS of years ago IN A DIFFERENT TIME!!!! is more of aguide book. Like what our parents do, we can chose to listen to them and let them guide us on the right path in our lives. Thats what the bible is.
The translation has changed, so unless you can read Latin and have the original bible then I'm sorry, but I believe a God who loves us all no matter what, would be fine with same sex couples. Sure it may be a bit awkward for some, but get over it. In Gods eyes we are all brothers and sisters so does that make getting married and having sex with a man incest?
No. We are human and we feel these wonderful human emotions and we feel love for people. Some more than others. I think God is all for a wonderful loveing monogamous relationship be it straight or gay. God loves us period. We commit sins everyday. I also do not find it fair for others to force their opinions about this. I feel it is unfair that there is such hatred over such a trivial thing.
I think Christians and Mormans and any christian based religion and religion period, really, needs to stop forcing their beliefs on others every chance they get.
Growing up my mom has taught me many things, one being that Sex is connectionless, making love and sharing your bodies with a tenderness and a passionate ove is different. Making love is beautiful, sex is a quick roll around in the hay. Making Love and Having sex are what Straight people do too.
Free Music Download of The Post:
This song is free from their website. Amazing ladies with very lovely voices. This one is by Meg Frampton of Meg And Dia one of my favorite bands.
Meg Frampton: Weeding Through The Rubble