Lucy Lawless is from New Zealand, and perfect her accent for Xena. Don't you think RPatz should've too, especially for a much to do, movie series/book series? I do. So my fellow, bloggers I think it is time to send poor R-Patz(btw- he smokes pot) for voice acting lessons. His acting is pretty good, i liked it for the most part, but his american accent needs some work. Lucy lawless, not only speaks in it, she sings in her accent. It really is a fantastic job, i love how she can stress certain points in her accent as she would her own. Growing up, i had no clue she wasn't american. My hats off to you Lucy Lawless, you rock. Even in your movie Locusts.
R-Patz, good actor, not bad looking but recently, after watching the movie: The Haunting of Conneticut, i felt that the lead male, suited the tortued vampire look/whole thing better.
Also, who's seen the Vampire Diaries, so it's not the same as the books, but it's got a good twist, and i like how it's only based off of, not the actual show for the actual book, does that makes sense? anyways i think the guy who plays Stefan Salvatore is the new "Mr. Broody Face"
Heres the original Vampire Broody face:
David Boreanaz, warning may not be suitable for children under age of 15, and elderly ladies over the age of-- may cause heart attack, on second thought, i think i may have a heart attack.
and the New one:
Paul Wesley, he doesn't look like a paul. That's the same thing i said about the rock, Dwayne Johnson? Seriously? That is so not Rock worth.